Here you adjust the main settings of your store. They are explained below.
Name of store: this is the name of your store which will be displayed on your webpages, depending on the template you have selected.
Store language: this is the language your store will be displayed in. There are a number of languages available to choose from. The store language is independent of the store management interface. You can adjust the language used for the store management interface in account settings.
Email for orders: notifications for all orders you receive will be sent to this email address. You can adjust how many notifications you receive by changing the setting in the drop-down menu next to this field.
If you don’t want your store to be visible when you edit it, you can hide it from your customers.
Tick the option Hide store and products directly below Name of store.
Here you can enter the name you want to use for the Internet address of your store. The name will be combined with to create your own Internet address. If you have your own domain name, you can also use it for your store. Click on the option I want to use my own Internet address to initiate this process.
I want to use my own Internet address: if you tick this box a new field appears, which allows you to enter your Internet address. To use this function you must have an existing Internet address and you must be able to redirect that Internet address to our Santu servers. Click on the small ? To find out more.
Here you can enter the details of your store, including its location and contact details. They will be displayed in your store.
Please note, that the address will be used to establish tax settings which may apply in your region, if you have to pay taxes.
In some countries you must legally display additional information as part of your address details, or tax file number. You can do this with the custom fields, which allow you not only to enter a value, but also to change the name of the field.
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Here you can define the behaviour of the continue shopping button and set the cookie warning for European stores.
Show continue shopping button: if this checkbox is ticked the Continue shopping button will be shown in the shopping cart. You can adjust how it behaves with the radio button. It can either always return to your Santu store or you can make it go to your own website by entering your website address.
Always go to shopping cart: if this function is ticked customers will always be sent to the shopping cart, when they add a product to the shopping cart. Otherwise they stay on the buying page and a small graphic will let them know that the product has been added to the shopping cart.
Show cookie warning to customers from the EU: the so-called cookie law forces website owners in Europe to display a small cookie warning when a visitor enters their website. This function turns that cookie warning on.
Hide navigation shopping cart when selling outside of your Santu store: if you share your products outside of your store to improve sales and conversions, you can simplify the look of the shopping cart when customers at a product to it. By hiding the navigation there will be less distraction to the customer so you can improve your conversions.
This function allows you to enable social media links which will be displayed in your store and with your products, so that customers can share your products to help you boost your sales.
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List manufacturers and brands which you sell through your store on this page by clicking on the add manufacturer button. Manufacturers added to products will also be listed here. The list will be used to make it faster for you to assign products to manufacturers.
Here you can manage the keywords used in your store. Keywords help you connect products with categories to automatically fill categories with products.
Here you can add the company logo for your website. It will be displayed in your Santu website depending on the website template you have selected
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