Remote desktop support APP

Remote support allows us to connect to your computer to identify and resolve problems or to show you how a function works. Remote desktop support for Santu and ShopFactory Cloud users is provided by ShopFactory, our partner company.

APP installation

To allow us to connect to your computer, please install our ShopFactory Remote Support APP on your computer by clicking on the button below. This will download the TeamViewerQS.exe file – select “Run” to open the Quick Support dialog box.

Then let us know the ID and Password displayed in the APP so we can connect to your system at the agreed time. You can always see what we are doing on your computer, and you can stop the connection at any time, as you are in control via the App. However you can not work on your computer while we are logged on.

Please make sure the APP is enabled at the agreed time, as we will not be able to connect to you otherwise.


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