Le Forum

Le Forum



112 pages • 12 x 19 cm Author: Claire Davy-Galix Illustration: Benjamin Strickler.

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En vacances en Australie, Nathan séjourne dans une ferme écologique avec des jeunes venus du monde entier. Tous participent à la vie de la ferme et à la création d'un centre d'art aborigène. Mais quelqu’un parmi les woofers veut la perte de la ferme. Qui ? Et pourquoi ?

Nathan stays on an organic farm in Australia with other young people from all over the world. They all work at the farm and participate in the creation of a centre for Aboriginal art. But someone amongst the woofers wants the failure of the eco-lodge. Who? And why?

One chapter in French followed by one chapter in English (Not a translation, the story continues).   

Ce livre est une co-édition entre le Van du Livre - www.frenchbooksonwheels.org - et les éditions talents Hauts. Vous trouverez d'ailleurs le logo du Van du Livre en 4e de couverture (voir photo). 

For French Teachers:

The author, Claire Davy-Galix, is a qualified English teacher working in a school in Brittany, west of France.

Several schools have used this resource in class. Even if the students are not reading fluently the French language, there are clues in the English chapters to allow them to understand the meaning of the whole text. The overall objective is to encourage the students to read in the target language.  

Please contact us for a special price by quantity. We can invoice the school.  

1-9 : $17 ea

10-19: $15 ea

20-29: $12 ea

29-100: $10 ea

Teachers Resources: 

- Fiche pédagogique - Worksheets - Click here

- Download English audio here